Announcing Tokio Metrics 0.1

Today, we are happy to announce the initial release of tokio-metrics, a crate for getting a Tokio application's runtime and task level metrics. Tokio Metrics makes it easier for Tokio users to debug performance problems with their applications by providing visibility into runtime behaviors in production.

Today, Tokio is used successfully in large-scale production deployments at companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Discord, and more. Yet, we commonly get questions from engineers working on debugging issues. Maybe their response times aren't quite what they would expect. Historically, there was no existing tool that delivered the observability required to root cause these challenges effectively. This challenge is why, last year, we announced Tokio Console, a tool for debugging Tokio applications. The response from that announcement was amazing and we are already seeing it help developers. However, Tokio Console is a local debugging tool and cannot (yet) instrument applications in production.

Tokio Metrics fills this gap. This crate provides insight into the Tokio scheduler's behavior to help developer's identify where performance issues lay. You can take these metrics and report them to your preferred tool (e.g., Grafana, Prometheus, CloudWatch, etc.) along with your application-level metrics. Once you start collecting metrics, you will be able to answer questions like:

  • Is the scheduler overloaded?
  • Are my tasks running for too long without yielding?
  • Are my tasks spending most of the time waiting on external events to complete?

Rafael Leite, an Amazon Web Services engineer working on S3, has been using tokio-metrics for the past month. He says:

These metrics were very helpful to understand internal behavior of the runtime, especially under load.

We are grateful for his early feedback, which helped us iterate on what specific metrics we needed to get to discover root causes of performance characteristics. I hope we will get more of such feedback from all of you as you use this crate.

Getting started

To use tokio-metrics, first add the crate to your Cargo.toml file:

tokio-metrics = "0.1.0"

Because tokio-metrics uses some unstable Tokio APIs, you must also enable the tokio_unstable flag. You can do this by adding the following to a .cargo/config file in your crate root:

rustflags = ["--cfg", "tokio_unstable"]
rustdocflags = ["--cfg", "tokio_unstable"]

Next, construct a TaskMonitor for each key task; e.g., for each endpoint of a web service and their key sub-tasks:

// monitor for the `/` endpoint
let monitor_root = tokio_metrics::TaskMonitor::new();

// monitors for the POST /users endpoint
let monitor_create_user = CreateUserMonitors {
    // monitor for the entire endpoint
    route: tokio_metrics::TaskMonitor::new(),
    // monitor for database insertion subtask
    insert: tokio_metrics::TaskMonitor::new(),

Then, use these monitors to instrument key tasks:

let app = axum::Router::new()
    // `GET /` goes to `root`
            // monitor the tasks that respond to `GET /`
            let monitor = monitor_root.clone();
            move || monitor.instrument(async { "Hello, World!" })
    // `POST /users` goes to `create_user`
            // monitor the tasks that respond to `POST /users`
            let monitors = monitor_create_user.clone();
            let route = monitors.route.clone();
            move |body| route.instrument(create_user(body, monitors))

Finally, access the metrics:

// print task metrics for each endpoint every 1s
let metrics_frequency = std::time::Duration::from_secs(1);
tokio::spawn(async move {
   // call `.intervals()` on each monitor to get an endless
   // iterator of metrics sampled from that monitor
   let root_intervals = monitor_root.intervals();
   let create_user_route_intervals =
   let create_user_insert_intervals =

   // zip the metrics streams together
   let create_user_intervals =
   let intervals =;

   // print the metrics for each monitor to stdout
   for (root_rt, (create_user_rt, create_user_insert)) in intervals {
      println!("root_route = {:#?}", root_rt);
      println!("create_user_route = {:#?}", create_user_rt);
      println!("create_user_insert = {:#?}", create_user_insert);

You can find some more examples here, and the documentation goes into more detail.

This launch is an early access release. Work on tokio-metrics has just started. As you start getting more visibility into the Tokio runtime, we expect you will have more questions and get more ideas for how to debug your applications. We want to hear these as it will inform us as we continue to work on both Tokio Metrics and Tokio Console. So, give it a shot, and let us know how it goes. Please file issues and ping us on Discord.

— Carl Lerche (@carllerche) & Jack Wrenn (@jswrenn)